
The company name “20K” symbolizes the $20,000 restitution payments paid by the US Government to each survivor of the Japanese Internment camps of WWII.  The civil liberties act of 1988 shifted the ways in which we as a society view each other as human beings worthy of compassion and consideration.  With each and every story we tell, we intend to protect and uphold the notion that all men and women are deserving of recognition and an opportunity to have their voices heard.  

Our goal at 20K is to develop content that is representationally and ideologically inclusive both in front of and behind the camera, and provide a conduit for established and emerging talent to share their stories in an effort to further authenticate the ways in which real life is reflected on screen.

We want to tell timely stories that have yet to take center stage, driven by fully dimensional, complex characters that feel organic and specific.  Stories that will have both domestic and international appeal by folding diversity into the DNA of the scripts being written and the actors being cast.  We want to ensure that as artists and contributors, we continually address the more challenging conversations of our time.